Birds Hill Triathlon
June 8

Triple Threat Triathlon Club is excited to host the first outdoor triathlon of the 2025 Triathlon Manitoba season.
Challenge a Triathlon, Duathlon, Aquabike or Try-a-Tri at Birds Hill Provincial Park East Beach on June 8th.
Events to choose from:
Olympic/Standard Triathlon 1500m swim / 40 km bike / 10 km run
Olympic / Standard Aquabike 1500m swim / 40 km bike
Sprint Triathlon 750m swim / 26.6 km bike / 5 km run
Sprint Aquabike 750m swim / 26.6 km bike
Sprint Duathlon 3 km run / 26.6 km bike / 5 km run
Try-a-Tri 300 m swim / 13 km bike / 3 km run
Race Day Check-in and Transition will open at 6:00 a.m. and will close at 7:00 a.m. The first event starts at 7:45 a.m.
Due to requirements of the Park, the bike course must close at 10:00 a.m. Therefore the last loop of the bike course must be started before 9:40 a.m. After 9:40 a.m., participants will be instructed to either end their race or remove their bib and timing chip to continue the course. If continuing on the course, athletes will do so at their own risk and will not be considered part of the race. Results will show Did Not Finish (DNF) for the race.
Athletes of all abilities or gender-identity are welcome to compete at the Birds Hill Triathlon.
In the case of severe circumstances (i.e. pandemic, lightening, high winds, flooding, and other natural events) the race(s) may be modified or cancelled if athlete safety is at risk. In the event the weather is not suitable for swimming, the race may be changed to a duathlon. In the case of race cancellation, registration fees will not be refunded.